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First up is a snapshot of my ever growing pile of welcome letters that are getting printed and sorted to hand out at our K4/K5 orientation next week. I'm looking forward to meeting all my new little owls and starting this new journey of K4/PreK/TK.
I had to make a run to Party City last night to pick up a few tablecloths for bulletin board backgrounds. Seriously if you have not tried using vinyl tablecloths for your bulletin boards, I strongly suggest giving it a try this year! I LOVE IT! Anywho, whenever I go to a store I tend to wander the aisles aimlessly looking at what I could use for the classroom. These little guys caught my eye. The possibilities are ENDLESS! They are Superhero finger puppets!
Continuing with color activities, I put together this very basic roll and cover page. In years past, roll and cover activities have been a huge hit, so I'm planning on keeping them as a year long thing.
Here is the action shot...
If you would like a copy of the above pages, just click on either of the pictures and download!
Unfortunately, I do not have a picture for this one, but I will tell you to keep your eyes peeled for the big classroom reveal in the upcoming weeks. I was able to get into my room today and WOW! did that room need some serious TLC!
Completely not school related, I am trying really hard to use as much of these last days of summer as possible to spend time with the family. We took the little man to his first Brewers games yesterday. He thought it was AWESOME!

Sorry for the picture of a picture. My phone was being all sorts of stubborn and didn't want to let me send it via an email. :(